Thursday, May 3, 2012

Portfolio Cover Letter

Portfolio Cover Letter

When asked to write about what I have learned over the semester in your English 112 class, I thought it was going to be a difficult task. Your class isn’t the conventional college course. We have no graded work besides this portfolio and attendance. We have written only two papers. You have a different approach to teaching than others. This might lead someone to believe that you don’t do a good job teaching. This is not the case you actually care whether your students learn. Your style of teaching has been very effective for me. You have taught me many things that I can take out of the classroom and incorporate into my life. Things such as utilizing the writing process, the art of holding a conversation, taking notes during lecture, argument analysis skills, how to make a strong argument, learning new ways to publish digital media, using technology to your advantage, taking proper research notes, and how to work at becoming an expert. All these add up to more valuable lessons than your run of the mill homework assignments. The are things that will be important to know in everyday life inside and out of college.(Taken from my midterm review draft)

The first day of class we were asked to take notes during lecture. This is something I don’t normally do. I took the suggestion and began taking notes with every lecture. By taking notes it makes you aware of what is being taught. It gets you involved in discussions and makes you feel part of class instead of being lectured to. Taking notes is probably one of the most valuable lessons I have learned in the class. I have not had much trouble making great grades so far in my college career. I haven’t had to try very hard. In the future with a tougher schedule taking notes will be invaluable to my success in the class. The notes I have taken in class have helped me write this paper.(Taken from my midterm review draft) The notes help me provide evidence of my learning. (Analysis and Synthesis notes) These notes give me information on analysis and synthesis of a text. The key to knowledge is understanding more about a topic then what you started with. I analyze a text by breaking it down into pieces trying to understand the pieces. Then I synthesize which is putting the pieces I analyzed together to form a general understanding of the text. This is just one example of notes I took over the semester. These notes also mentioned my virtues. These virtues taken from Ben Franklin’s autobiography taught me what morals I held close to me. By writing this down I have an account of things I want to keep track of. This lesson was about how good I want my quality of life to be. Its more than just english work. It’s introspective work on myself.

The next topic we learned was holding a conversation. This mind map shows all of the different topics the art of conversation covers. (Mind map for oral communication) I learned how to include people into conversation and ask questions to spark conversation. I also tried to be an active listener instead of thinking what I was going to say in conversation. We formed into groups and were asked to discuss the Martin Luther King Jr. writings from Birmingham jail and his famous I have a dream speech. In a later conversation we were asked to discuss ideal political candidates. It was fun to see how many different views there were on this subject. I gained a lot of knowledge from the others in my group. Learning other people’s perspectives on a topic in conversation is another important lesson that I have learned. It is also very important because you gain knowledge on the topic you are discussing. By having conversation in our group, I began making connections with some of my classmates. This makes class more enjoyable and could also to lead to friendship in the future. (Taken from my midterm review draft) At first forming groups and having conversation with strangers seemed awkward. But in my real career field I will have to talk to strangers everyday. I realized this is practice for the real world. Much of this class seemed to be practice at life skills and not just a regular english class. To be an expert you have to know experts. By making connections in a professional setting I can become more established in my career field.

Some things I have learned about rhetorical knowledge have been the argument analysis and the use of the rhetorical and appeals triangle.The argument analysis is a claim and evidence analysis. English 112 was about writing for an academic audience and crafting the message that appealed to your academic audience. Learning about how to write for an audience was important and will be even more so in the future. Understanding the rhetorical triangle is also a valuable tool to use in the future. Your audience may change from time to time and you have to understand and adapt to your audience. If you don't adapt you may lose credibility and the respect of your audience. We all know how important your ethos is in your academic and professional career.(Taken from my rhetorical knowledge draft)

In our first writing assignment of argument analysis (Argument analysis paper) we had to search the internet for an opinion article of something that interested us. I found an article about technology and how it was causing children to be less social.(Link to opinion article) This opinion article was a claim and evidence based article. We were given a worksheet for analyzing this article. (Argument Analysis Worksheet) What we wanted to do was break this opinion piece into sections of claims. A claim is something the author states and then provides a reason and evidence to back it up.(Claim, Evidence, and rhetorical appeals notes) We also analyzed further to understand the appeals triangle. Every claim uses an appeal from the appeals triangle. Logos uses facts and logic to back a claim up. Ethos is using your reputation to solidify a claim. Finally, Pathos uses emotion to spark attention to a claim. By breaking an article up into sections utilized prewriting of the writing process.(Notes on writing process) It made writing the actual paper very easy. After using this worksheet the basis of writing an effective argument became very clear. You make your major claim. Then you provide your evidence as to why your claim is correct. You also understand what type of appeal can be used to be effective. I found that Pathos appeal worked effectively on me. This assignment gave me valuable knowledge of the appeals triangle and how to understand an argument. By analyzing this argument it also made me aware how to make a valid argument myself. In order to understand and make a valid argument I also need to know my opinions aren’t necessarily right or good I need to understand the other side of the argument. Whether your argument is right or wrong the most valuable thing is that I learn more information about a certain topic. (Taken from my rhetorical knowledge draft)

Glancing at some of my notes I noticed a lot of this semester was about understanding our academic audience. I’m the author and I have to craft my message to my specific audience. This is the rhetorical triangle at work.(Rhetorical and appeals triangle notes) The rhetorical triangle is made up of three parts. First is the author. Then the message. Finally, the last part is the audience. Understanding who my audience is going to be and what my audience wants to hear is important. I can make an example of this paper. You the teacher are trying to understand what I learned. The teacher being my audience gives me details about how this paper needs to be written. I take that information and began to craft a message. After publishing my message which would be this portfolio paper my audience gives me feedback. In this case feedback comes in the form of a grade. That is the rhetorical triangle. It is a revolving process and comes full circle back to the author. Understanding how to craft the message for my audience is where the work is involved.(Taken from my rhetorical knowledge draft)

Another major thing I learned about was the writing process. I knew what this was before but I had never utilized it. I used it on my argument analysis piece by using prewriting.(Argument analysis worksheet) I used it on this portfolio essay by prewriting and drafting several different essays about different learning objectives.(Rhetorical knowledge draft)(Digital technologies draft)(Critical thinking, reading, and writing draft)(Mind map prewriting - Oral Communication) I used most of these drafts for this paper. All I had to do was edit a little. I am beginning to realize the importance of the writing process because it helps me manage deadlines more efficiently. It also makes it easier to make a complete paper. I think about it like my drafts are my analysis because it looks at sections of what I learned this semester. I put all my drafts together and I have synthesized everything I have learned. In my English 111 class, I would sit down and write a paper in one sitting. Not even read over it after. My grades reflected poorly written papers. I believe I have done a better job this semester and that is because I utilized the writing process.

The final subject and I believe the most important we were asked to understand how to use digital technology to our advantage in becoming a better student. Some of the ways we have learned to do this is to take research notes using information from the internet, adapting the writing process using word processing equipment such as google docs then publishing this information with the blogger, and using the blogger for a place to share and help each other understand texts. Digital technology plays an important role in writing. Our use of the technology through tools such as the blog has made this class more accessible and simple. Using these tools has helped me understand our use of digital technology more thoroughly.(Taken from my digital technologies draft)

The blog I was asked to create would prove to be one of the most powerful tools I possessed.(Link to my blog) I would first process my information in Google Docs then publish it online with the blogger. Google Docs is a useful word processing tool and a great place for online storage of all my work. The blogger would ultimately be used to show evidence of my work for my portfolio essay. One thing this taught me is that if a class made an effort we could help each other succeed in the class. This blog is a place we can share our papers, ideas, and thoughts. With this tool we could adapt the writing process digitally by sharing our ideas with each other. I took the time to implement this idea by finding sources for other students research topics.(Helping with sources in comments)(Helping with sources in comments) The idea of the blog was definitely original to me because I have never thought an online blog could be so useful. The blog is an awesome tool for academic learning.(Taken from my digital technologies draft)

Using the internet for research was something that I was taught.(Notes on research sources) These notes helped me understand credible sources and how to identify them. The notes also show me the different types of sources such as empirical,digital,and print. Empirical sources are someone’s experience.Digital and print are self explanatory. After learning how to identify proper sources I learned how to take research notes.(Research process notes)(Sample research notes). I came up with a research topic question. I simply searched google using that question. After finding credible sources I began to take notes. I either paraphrased or took a direct quote from the source. Following my notes, I would put a link for the site and also the date which I took the note. With new information from my search I developed a different research question. I would then search google with this new question gathering more information. The process repeats until I felt I had satisfied my questions. This process makes research easier and it also gives me plenty of information to work with. I used the blog to get the perspective of my other classmates. They helped with research by finding me more sources and posting them to my blog. Using all these tools to research a topic was very helpful. I found more than enough information on my topic using technology.(Taken from my digital technologies draft)

Technology doesn’t come without a cost though. I had minor problems resulting from limitations of technologies. I have noticed looking at my notes I scanned that the appear very grainy on my laptop. I looked at my notes on a desktop computer and they looked fine. This was one problem I encountered using technology. I hope the notes look fine to you because I have worked hard for a good grade. I wouldn’t want to receive a bad grade simply for a problem with the technology I am using. Another problem I ran into was with the blog. It is hard to edit and get everything uniform. Importing data and images are rather hard especially trying to use Microsoft word to import into a google product. Microsoft wants you to buy their product and not use anyone else’s. This causes Microsoft and Google to not be very friendly with each other. So you end up have to cut and paste everything from word to google docs and then uploading it to your blog. Not a major problem but in a perfect world the process could be streamlined.

Finally, I would like to bring to your attention my examples of logical fallacies.(Guilt by association)(Loaded Question)(Faulty Cause)(False Dilemma)(Ad hominem) These are all examples of political fallacies. I was told this would bring a letter grade extra credit. These logical fallacies all seem to be a very common occurrence. Politicians use them to sway the public into believing certain things. Some of them such as the guilty by association fallacy seem to be the most ridiculous things. The Barack Obama reference I found associated him with radical terrorist groups. This is the farthest thing from the truth. Some people do believe that Obama has terrorism affiliation though. The Jimmy Carter ad hominem fallacy makes Carter look very foolish. He comes off as a racist because of it. Giuliani’s faulty cause fallacy makes certain claims and gives a false reason because of it. There is no way to provide evidence for him to show his claim is true. All Giuliani is doing is claiming the adoption rates are up because women are not having abortions. He is trying to say that women instead of having abortions are going through with pregnancy and then giving the babies up for adoptions. The statistics he claims are not directly related to each other. These are just five examples of the many logical fallacies politicians use.

In conclusion, I have given you evidence of my learning over the semester. I believe I analyzed the evidence I gave you thoroughly. I’m not going to argue a grade because I believe my work speaks for itself. I have enjoyed how different this class has been. Its been more of a lesson I can take into my future than just a class on graded work. I think that is your major point of your teaching. You give useful information for my life instead of just making me write boring homework assignments. I will always remember that I want to be considered an expert and I have to work to gain a reputation as an expert. If I become an expert my quality of life will improve and overall I can be more satisfied with my life. I believe that your major concern with the class was that we learn and can take what we learned into our life. Not just my academic life my professional and personal life. I appreciate your effort and concern with our quality of life. Thank you.

Obama's guilt by association fallacy

This is a guilt by assocation fallacy. It shows that because barack is a muslim he is a terrorist. It shows that Obama can not be trusted because of his religious beliefs. Its a stupid example but a good one of the guilt by association fallacy.

Lesley Stahl's Loaded Question

This question was asked in 1996 Lesley Stahl asked about the sanctions of the UN on Iraq.  "We have heard that a half million children have died. I mean, that is more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?"

This question is hard to answer and there is no way to tell at this moment when the question was asked is the price worth it. Time will have to tell in the situiation.

Rudy Giuliani's Faulty Cause Fallacy

 Rudy Giuliani the former New York City mayor stated that "we increased adoption by 133% over the eight years before I came into office. And we found that abortions went down by 18% during that period of time. I believe we can do that in the United States."

What he is trying to make people believe here is that adoption numbers went up because abortion numbers went down. This is a faulty cause fallacy. There is no evidence of this being the reason.

George Bush Fallacy- False Dilemma

George Bush was quoted saying "Either you are with us or with the terrorists." briefly after 9/11 attacks it was a good time to say it because the nation needed to rally together. The quote to me feels like If I'm not a patriot or a patriotic person then I am a terrorist. This is an excellent example of false dilemma.

Jimmy Carters's Ad Hominem

Jimmy Carter was quoted in an interview saying this
In an NBC interview, Carter declared, “I think an overwhelming portion of the intensely demonstrated animosity toward President Barack Obama is based on the fact that he is a black man, that he’s African-American. Racism… still exists, and I think it’s bubbled up to the surface because of a belief among many white people, not just in the South but around the country, that African-Americans are not qualified to lead this great country.”

What he is saying is because the president is black he doesn't know how to lead the country. Its pretty sad that someone still thinks this way. I get the feeling that Jimmy Carter feels the same way. Jimmy Carter wasn't considered a great president either maybe he is upset that Obama is well liked.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Critical Thinking, Reading, and Writing Processes Draft

To think about what we have read and analysed in English 112 what comes to mind is the Martin Luther King readings early in the semester. I personally read the "I Have A Dream" speech and his letters from the Birmingham City Jail. We started class with analysing the speech. It took me back in time to an era that was completely different then mine. Dr. Steve witnessed some of the civil rights movement first hand. It amazed me to start to understand how different life was back then. Dr. King was a master rhetorician. He had to ability to captivate his audience with his words. He delivered that speech in front of thousands that day in Washington D.C. Understand that Dr. King and all the african american population had been taken advantage of for too long. It was time for the civil rights movement to be seen by everyone. Just months before the speech Dr. King had been imprisoned in Birmingham Jail for marches in that city. He took his time to write letters to his fellow clergymen. Its amazing to think of Dr. King wanting the civil rights movement to be nonviolent he knew it was the only way it would work. If I was in the situiation I would be very angry. It would have been hard to hold that anger back. Dr. King had a different perspective and he tried to used his mastery of rhetoric and a brilliant mind to get what he needed. Instead of complaining about being wrongfully imprisoned he wrote a fairly long letter to the clergy explaining his movement and his dissappointment of some pastors speaking out against him. The letter goes on to give examples of how the african american population were treated unjustly. Segregatation laws were determined by elected officials. The African American people had no right to vote so there was no way their thoughts could be heard. We spent a good amount of class time discussing these two documents. We got into groups and held conversation about it. It was great to learn the whole story. It also made you understand how powerful words could be.

As for evaluating and synthesizing information from multiple sources. We evaluated Dr. King's speech and letters. The argument analysis we did was a great example of evaluation. Taking from a website we got information on a topic. We then synthesized information by writing a paper breaking down the argument into sections. What occurs in that process is a better understanding of a topic. The goal of learning is to know more about a topic than what you started with. Next we learned some life lessons by reading Ben Franklin's Autobiography. We learned about Franklin's time management schedule and adapted some of these to our lives by making a schedule. Franklin also kept track of his virtues to become a better person. We were asked to think about some virtues that were important to us. After evaluating my virtues it was important for me to maintain them. I keep a mental log of this and some of my virtues are a daily thought. Others have been forgotten. But learning this has made me more aware of what is important to my quality of life. A final evaluation and synthesizing information as what this portfolio letter is about. I have to evaluate my learning with evidence then analyse this evidence to synthesize a portfolio cover letter.

Determining the extent of information needed for constructing arguments and research papers is a daunting task. This portfolio is a prime example. It is both an argument and research paper. The amount of information I need is massive to show that I have done some work in this class. When arguing for a good grade I need to show excellent work. I have to post many documents to my blog as evidence. For it to be a research paper I have to cite my work with links to my evidence on the blog. All this information is combined into a cover letter for my portfolio. I have analyzed my course objectives. Then I determined what information I need to argue for an A. To finish I have written a letter to you with evidence of learning and evaluation of my learning. The extent of information determines my letter grade in the class.

Argument analysis worksheet

Virtues Notes

Rhetorical and Appeals Triangle

Research Sources Notes

Research Process notes

Writing process and claim/thesis notes

Claim and Evidence Notes

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Rhetorical Knowledge Draft

When thinking about rhetorical knowledge and things I have learned about it this semester. Many things come to mind such as the argument analysis we worked on early in the semester. Which is a claim and evidence analysis. Also the use of the rhetorical triangle and appeals triangle. English 112 was about writing for an academic audience and crafting the message that appealed to your academic audience. Which in this case is my teacher. Learning about how to write for an audience was important and will be even more so in the future. Understanding the rhetorical triangle is a valuable tool to use in the future. Your audience may change from time to time and you have to understand and adapt to your audience. If you don't adapt you may lose credibility and the respect of your audience. We all know how important your ethos is in your academic and professional career.

In our first writing assignment of argument analysis we had to search the internet for an opinion article of something that interested us. I found an article about technology and how it was causing children to be less social. This opinion article was a claim and evidence based article. We were given a worksheet for analyzing this article. What we wanted to do was break this opinion piece into sections of claims. A claim is something the author states and then provides a reason and evidence to back it up. We also analyzed further to understand the appeals triangle. Every claim uses an appeal from the appeals triangle. Logos uses facts and numbers to back a claim up. Ethos is using your reputation to solidify a claim. Finally, Pathos uses emotion to spark attention to a claim. By breaking an article up into sections utilized prewriting of the writing process. It made writing the actual paper very easy. After using this worksheet the basis of writing an effective argument became very clear. You make your major claim. Then you provide your evidence as to why your claim is correct. You also understand what type of appeal can be used to be effective. I found that Pathos appeal were most effective to me. This assignment gave me valuable knowledge of the appeals triangle and how to understand an argument. By analyzing this argument it also made me aware how to make a valid argument myself. In order to understand and make a valid argument I also need to know my opinions aren’t necessarily right or good I need to understand the other side of the argument. Whether your argument is right or wrong the most valuable thing is that I learn more information about a certain topic.

Glancing at some of my notes I noticed alot of this semester was about understanding our academic audience. I’m the author and I have to craft my message to my specific audience. This is the rhetorical triangle at work. Understanding who my audience is going to be and what my audience wants to hear is important. I can make an example of this paper. You the teacher are trying to understand what I learned. The teacher being my audience gives me details about how this paper needs to be written. I take that information and began to craft my message. After publishing my message which would be this portfolio paper my audience gives me feedback. In this case feedback comes in the form of a grade. That is the rhetorical triangle it is a revolving process and comes full circle back to the author. Understanding how to craft the message for my audience is where the work is involved.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Digital technologies section draft(I could use help editing this document)

Digital Technologies Draft

In English 112 we were asked to understand how to use digital technology to our advantage in becoming a better student. Some of the ways we have learned to do this is to take research notes using information from the internet, adapting the writing process using word processing equipment such as google docs and then publishing this information with the blogger, and creating a blog for a place to share and help each other understand texts. Digital technology plays an important role in writing. Our use of the technology through tools such as the blog has made this class more accessible and simple. Using these tools has helped me understand our use of digital technology more thoroughly.
The blog we were asked to create would prove to be one of the most powerful tools we possessed. We would first process our information in Google Docs then publish it online with the blogger. The blogger would ultimately be used to show evidence of our work for our portfolio essay. One thing this taught me that if a class made an effort we could help each other succeed in the class. This blog is a place we can share our papers, ideas, and thoughts. With this tool we could adapt the writing process digitally by sharing our ideas with each other. We took the time to implement this idea by finding sources for other students research topics. The idea of the blog was definitely original to me because I have never thought an online blog could be so useful. The blog is an awesome tool for academic learning.
The writing process I never really used before but the way it was taught in Eng 112 made it easy to pick up and use. We learned to write our papers in sections. Using one topic we created a draft. The next topic we created another draft. These different drafts came together to be one paper. All of these drafts would be stored on Google Docs and then combined. We could then use our peers to revise by asking for input on our blog. After revision many different people could review my work by publishing my draft and any editing could be done after revision. After all this I could submit it on my blog. Once again the blogger became a valuable tool in this process.
Using the internet for research was something that I was taught. My skills to identify credible sources also improved. The most important thing I learned was how to take research notes. I came up with a research topic question. I simply searched google using that question. After finding credible sources I began to take notes. I either paraphrased or took a direct quote from the source. Following my notes, I would put a link for the site and also the date which I took the note. With new information from my search I developed a different research question. I would then search google with this new question gathering more information. This process makes research easier and it also gives you plenty of information to work with. I used the blog to get the perspective of my other classmates. They helped with research by finding me more sources and posting them to my blog. Using all these tools to research a topic was very helpful. I found more than enough information on my topic using technology.
In conclusion, I have learned a great deal about using digital technologies to take research notes, to adapt the writing process, and how useful a blog site can be if utilized properly. If I use these tools writing will be much easier in the future. The blog seems to be very important as long as there is class participation. It puts a lot of resources into one area for you to use. The blog makes research, the writing process, and accessing documents simple. It is a tool I will use in future classes hopefully.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Course Evaluation Draft

Michael Talbott

Dr. Steven Brandon

English 112 – 08PR

24 February 2012

                                                          Midterm Review

When asked to write about what we have learned thus far in Dr. Steve’s English 112 class, I thought it was going to be a difficult task. Dr. Steve’s class isn’t your conventional college course. We have no graded work so far. We have written one paper. He has a different approach to teaching than other teachers. This might lead you to believe that Dr. Steve doesn’t do a good job teaching. This is not the case Dr. Steve actually cares whether his students learn. His style of teaching has been very effective for me. He has taught us many things that you can take out of the classroom and incorporate into your life. Things such as creating a schedule to manage your time, the art of holding a conversation, taking notes during lecture, and how to use rhetoric to your benefit in interactions with others. All these add up to more valuable lessons than your run of the mill homework assignments.

The first day of class we were asked to take notes during lecture. This is something I don’t normally do. I took the suggestion and began taking notes with every lecture. By taking notes it makes you aware of what is being taught. It gets you involved in discussions and makes you feel part of class instead of being simply lectured to. Taking notes is probably one of the most valuable lessons I have learned in the class. I have not had much trouble making great grades so far in my college career. I haven’t had to try very hard. In the future with a tougher schedule taking notes will be invaluable to my success in the class. The notes I have taken in class has helped me to write this paper.

The next topic we learned was holding a conversation. I learned how to include people into conversation and ask questions to spark conversation. I also tried to be an active listener instead of thinking what I was going to say in conversation. We formed into groups and were asked to discuss the Martin Luther King Jr. writings from Birmingham jail and his famous I have a dream speech. I thought I had a good understanding of the piece before our conversation. I gained a lot of knowledge from the others in my group. Learning other people’s perspectives on a topic in conversation is another important lesson that I have learned. By having conversation in our group, I began making connections with some of my classmates. This makes class more enjoyable and could also to lead to friendship in the future.

We went on to analyzing and understanding an argument. This was going to be our first paper in the class. The best part about this was adapting the writing process to this paper. It made writing the actual paper easy. We were asked to find an opinion article on any subject that interested us. Then we formed groups to discuss our articles. I listened to other classmates opinions of my article. It helped me gain a better understanding of the topic. We were assigned the worksheet for analyzing arguments. With the worksheet, I was able to identify the major claim of the argument and each individual reason the author gave for their claim. This was the pre-writing of the writing process. We were asked to understand the appeals rhetorical triangle. This is how the author uses logos, ethos, and pathos to strengthen their argument. By understanding and analyzing my argument, it helped me understand how to make a strong argument. We then drafted, revised, and published our paper. The writing process made this paper simple to write. When you actually implement the writing process and take the time to prepare for writing it makes everything so much easier.

We were handed Ben Franklin’s autobiography and asked to read it. Franklin had a schedule he maintained that was written out for every day of the week. The class was asked to make a schedule for every day of the week. The importance of time management in a college setting is very important. To make a schedule is one thing; to keep it is something completely different. When you write a weekly schedule you can become aware of how you’re managing your time. You can see where you need improvement and make changes to become more efficient. I have learned that maintaining a schedule makes me feel better personally. Simple things such as the right amount of sleep and planning meals for certain times make your quality of life that much better. Franklin also had a list of values to live by. Something like his moral code. We were asked to consider what values were important to us. We were told to consider these values on a day to day basis. If I didn’t maintain them I was supposed to make note of it. This teaches you to uphold your values consistently. These exercises if I choose to do them are designed to make my quality of life better and to make me feel better about myself. It isn’t something I have to do for a good grade. It’s more important than grades.

In conclusion, all these lessons learned have made me a better student and person. I have learned that taking notes can be the key to success in the class room. I have learned how important it is to listen to someone rather than think of what I’m going to say in response. I have learned how to use rhetoric in conversation and how important proper conversation can be. I have learned how to make a strong argument with my words. I have learned how important managing my time and making a schedule can be. If I incorporate this knowledge into my daily life I will be successful. I think that is what Dr. Steve is trying to make me learn. I can be a better all-around person if I take advantage of the knowledge he is giving us. This hasn’t been a conventional english class and that is appreciated.

English 112 Sample Research Notes

Research Notes

Research Topic: Health risks from smoking

Research Question:
1. Why are cigarettes harmful?

Direct quote from
Of all the deaths caused by cancer, 30 percent are due to smoking. The most common cancer caused by smoking is lung cancer, which is also one of the hardest cancers to treat, says the American Cancer Society. Even worse, smoking has been linked to several other cancers, including cancers of the larynx, oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, cervix, kidney and bladder, as well as acute myeloid leukemia.

Other Health Problems
Paraphrased from
Smoking plays a major role in causing heart disease, aneurysms, bronchitis, emphysema, and stroke. Smoking can weaken blood flow to the arms and legs this is called peripheral vascular disease or PVD.

Paraphrased from
Cigarettes are harmful because they are addictive. According to the surgeon general nicotine addiction is as addictive as heroin and other drugs. Trying to stop causes withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms are described by the National Cancer institute as depression, anxiety, restlessness, and weight gain.

Direct quote from
When the chemicals in cigarettes are inhaled, they put our bodies into a state of physical stress by sending literally thousands of poisons, toxic metals and carcinogens coursing through our bloodstream with every puff we take. And those chemicals affect everything from blood pressure and pulse rate to the health of our organs and immune system.

Research Question
2. What chemicals are in cigarettes?

Direct Quote from
The chemicals in cigarettes and tobacco smoke make smoking harmful. Tobacco smoke contains over 4,000 different chemicals.At least 50 are known carcinogens (cause cancer in humans) and many are poisonous.

List of some harmful chemicals from

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(petrol additive)
  • A colourless cyclic hydrocarbon obtained from coal and petroleum, used as a solvent in fuel and in chemical manufacture - and contained in cigarette smoke.
  • A It known carcinogen associated with leukaemia.

(embalming fluid)
  • A colourless liquid, highly poisonous, used to preserve dead bodies - also found in cigarette smoke.
  • Known to cause cancer, respiratory, skin and gastrointestinal problems.

(toilet cleaner)
  • Used as a flavouring, frees nicotine from tobacco turning it into a gas
  • Often found in dry cleaning fluids.

(nail polish remover)
  • Fragrant volatile liquid ketone, used as a solvent, for example, nail polish remover
  • Found in cigarette smoke.

  • Particulate matter drawn into lungs when you inhale on a lighted cigarette. Once inhaled, smoke condenses and about 70 per cent of the tar in the smoke is deposited in the smoker's lungs.

(insecticide/addictive drug)
  • One of the most addictive substances known to man, a powerful and fast-acting medical and non-medical poison.
  • This is the chemical which causes addiction.

Carbon Monoxide (CO)
(car exhaust fumes)
  • An odourless, tasteless and poisonous gas, rapidly fatal in large amounts
  • The same gas that comes out of car exhausts
  • The main gas in cigarette smoke, formed when the cigarette is lit

  • Arsenic (rat poison)
  • Hydrogen Cyanide (gas chamber poison)


Research Question
3. How many deaths a year are attributed to smoking?

Paraphrased from
There are estimated to be 443,000 deaths attributed to smoking. This includes second hand smoke. This is just in the USA. I could not find any credible facts on what this figure would be worldwide.

Direct quote from
Exposure to secondhand smoke—sometimes called environmental tobacco smoke—causes nearly 50,000 deaths each year among adults in the United States.Secondhand smoke causes 3,400 annual deaths from lung cancer.Secondhand smoke causes 46,000 annual deaths from heart disease.

Direct quote from
Coupled with this enormous health toll is the significant economic burden of tobacco use—more than $96 billion a year in medical costs and another $97 billion a year from lost productivity.

Research Question
4. What is being done to prevent smoking?

Paraphrased from
President Obama raised the taxes on cigarettes to try to discourage people to continue to buy cigarettes.

Direct Quote from
Obama signed the strictest anti-tobacco law to date in the U.S., the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act. It gives the FDA greater authority to regulate the ingredients in tobacco products, severely restricts marketing campaigns, and calls for more explicit warnings.