Monday, April 16, 2012

Digital technologies section draft(I could use help editing this document)

Digital Technologies Draft

In English 112 we were asked to understand how to use digital technology to our advantage in becoming a better student. Some of the ways we have learned to do this is to take research notes using information from the internet, adapting the writing process using word processing equipment such as google docs and then publishing this information with the blogger, and creating a blog for a place to share and help each other understand texts. Digital technology plays an important role in writing. Our use of the technology through tools such as the blog has made this class more accessible and simple. Using these tools has helped me understand our use of digital technology more thoroughly.
The blog we were asked to create would prove to be one of the most powerful tools we possessed. We would first process our information in Google Docs then publish it online with the blogger. The blogger would ultimately be used to show evidence of our work for our portfolio essay. One thing this taught me that if a class made an effort we could help each other succeed in the class. This blog is a place we can share our papers, ideas, and thoughts. With this tool we could adapt the writing process digitally by sharing our ideas with each other. We took the time to implement this idea by finding sources for other students research topics. The idea of the blog was definitely original to me because I have never thought an online blog could be so useful. The blog is an awesome tool for academic learning.
The writing process I never really used before but the way it was taught in Eng 112 made it easy to pick up and use. We learned to write our papers in sections. Using one topic we created a draft. The next topic we created another draft. These different drafts came together to be one paper. All of these drafts would be stored on Google Docs and then combined. We could then use our peers to revise by asking for input on our blog. After revision many different people could review my work by publishing my draft and any editing could be done after revision. After all this I could submit it on my blog. Once again the blogger became a valuable tool in this process.
Using the internet for research was something that I was taught. My skills to identify credible sources also improved. The most important thing I learned was how to take research notes. I came up with a research topic question. I simply searched google using that question. After finding credible sources I began to take notes. I either paraphrased or took a direct quote from the source. Following my notes, I would put a link for the site and also the date which I took the note. With new information from my search I developed a different research question. I would then search google with this new question gathering more information. This process makes research easier and it also gives you plenty of information to work with. I used the blog to get the perspective of my other classmates. They helped with research by finding me more sources and posting them to my blog. Using all these tools to research a topic was very helpful. I found more than enough information on my topic using technology.
In conclusion, I have learned a great deal about using digital technologies to take research notes, to adapt the writing process, and how useful a blog site can be if utilized properly. If I use these tools writing will be much easier in the future. The blog seems to be very important as long as there is class participation. It puts a lot of resources into one area for you to use. The blog makes research, the writing process, and accessing documents simple. It is a tool I will use in future classes hopefully.

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